Login Tips

  1. Go to website: https://feba.bobibanking.com.

  1. Select Retail/Corporate User.
  1. Enter your User Id (& Corp Id in case you are corporate Customer) and click on Set/Reset password option.
  1. Set your password(s) using Regenerate Password using Activation Code/OTP Option.
  1. Enter your User Id (& Corp Id in case you are corporate Customer). Click on Enter.
  1. System will prompt you to enter your Sign on password. Enter the sign on password set by you. Click on Login.
  1. System will now prompt you to complete the enrolment process (only for transaction rights users) by clicking on the ENROLL now button.
  1. A new page is displayed which asks you to set your Personal Message. This will be displayed every time on login to the system.
  1. Now set the answers to the security questions. A minimum of 5 questions have to be selected as per your choice.
  1. The system now will prompt you to change your sign on password by entering the existing Sign on password and the new password has to be set by you again.
  1. Confirm the same by entering your transaction password Set by you.
  1. The enrolment process has been successfully completed and you would be displayed the success message for the same.


 For further queries, you may contact us on 24x7x365 Helpline - 1800 5700/+9179 6629 6629 (For NRI Customers) or write to https://bobcrm.bankofbaroda.co.in/onlinecomplaint/